Marvel announces Hulk Trailer

Superhero Hype caught the news that a Hulk Trailer will be released in early March. But in front of what movie?

Superhero Hype

You’ll be seeing the first trailer for The Incredible Hulk in early March. Our guess is that it will hit theaters with Warner Bros.’ PG-13 rated 10,000 B.C. on March 7 (if that’s true, make sure you call your theater to see if the trailer is playing with the showtime you’re thinking of attending, as it will likely not be on every screen) and then with the R-rated Universal (the studio releasing “Hulk” in theaters) pic Doomsday on March 14.

Recently the Trailers have got me excited about the summer blockbuster again. Last summer was a bit of a letdown with most of the major titles flopping (critically anyways) and a handful of good ones.

So do you think they are right? Would they put Hulk ahead of 10,000BC? Does that seem to be the demographic to target with this movie? Or are they hoping that the raging fanboys will see 10,000BC just to catch a glimpse of the trailer, therefore boosting their numbers for this film?

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