Roland Emmerich To Bring Us 2012

Emmerich1We have word today that Roland Emmerich is going to return to the apocalyptic genre in an upcoming film titled 2012. We get the scoop from ropeofsilicon:

Roland brought you Independence Day and The Day After Tomorrow and his apocolyptic end times features aren’t over yet as he is now shopping around a film called 2012, a film described only as an apocalyptic spec script written by Emmerich and Harald Kloser. The kicker here is that many studios are interested. There isn’t a studio front-runner mentioned but the article does point out that outside of Warner Bros. grabbing 10,000 B.C., Fox was able to nab Independence Day and Day After Tomorrow. Thoughts are that once the film finds a home production will begin immediately with Emmerich in the director’s chair.

I have not been a fan of any of Emmerich’s films, the trailers for 10 000 B.C. look horrible and I would hazard a guess that I will dislike that too. Sometimes you just find a director that really doesn’t do it for you and Emmerich is one of those guys for me. If I had to choose between one of his films or watching a lake for jumping trout; I will choose trout every time.

I do love post apocalyptic films and I must give a nod to Emmerich for his dedication to the genre. With global warming everywhere in the news I am shocked that a glut of scorched earth post apocalyptic films have not been thrust upon us yet. All you need are sluts, cameras, a set in the New Mexico and you are ready to go. This film has yet to find a studio, so no word yet on when it will be released.

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