Will Ferrell in an Anchorman Sequel?

In the category of pure speculation, we find out that Will Ferrell is considering a sequel to Anchorman.

FilmJunk says:

It seems that Will Ferrell is seriously contemplating a sequel to his popular comedy Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy. He has recently been performing some sketches as Ron Burgundy for the Funny or Die Stand Up Comedy Tour, and this reminded him how much he enjoys the character. While there is certainly nothing official in the works as of yet, I think it’s clear that there is a pretty massive fan base out there that would kill to see another Anchorman flick.

I kinda grew tired of the Will Ferrell comedy routine, but of all his films I can honestly say I liked his Anchorman character the most. He fell into that whole rut of unique characters that all just seem the same, like Jack Black or Jim Carrey. Sure, they are funny, but you just get tired of it.
However, one thing Ferrell always has going for him in his movies is a hillarious supporting cast. And that is the true genius of Will Ferrell comedies.

If this happens, it will bring together some of the funniest guys in movies today, and I will be eager to see it.

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