Brave New World Movie With Ridley Scott Directing?

Brave-New-World-BookIn the vein of projects like 1984 and others that paint a vision of the future, Aldous Huxley’s brilliant “Brave New World” (one of the first books I ever read outside of school actually) looks ready to make to make the leap to the big screen with Ridley Scott in the director’s chair and possible Leonardo DiCaprio in the lead. The folks at RowThree give us this:

Huxley’s 1932 novel (trust me, it doesn’t read like it dates back to the 30s) takes place in a dystopian society where babies are biologically engineered and “hatched”, sleep learning plays a huge role in education and class segregation is law. This is no “1984″ (though many comparisons have been drawn between the two) but Huxley’s novel was and continues to be a visionary masterwork and only the tip of his extensive and brilliant writing.

Universal Studios has been trying to make the film for years but according to the Times Online, the studio’s wrangling over the terms of Huxley’s will have finally been settled and the long dormant project is finally moving ahead. Visionary director Ridley Scott has long been interested in directing the project and according to the article, the film has yet another big name championing for it: Leonardo DiCaprio who will play the key role of John the Savage.

This COULD make a terrific movie, and it seems to have the right names attached (at least rumored) at this point. The only question is, do we want another movie in this vein? Do we want another one, even if it’s superior to all the others in the genre? Personally I do, but I wonder if the general movie going audience will feel the same way.

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