Jaime King Joins My Bloody Valentine

Jaime King looks to be joining the cast of a horror remake. This time around they are digging up the 1981 My Bloody Valentine.

Moviehole says:

King will star in the remake of the 1981 slasher film about a murderer who kills those who celebrate Valentine’s Day. She will play Sarah Palmer, a woman who has married her teenage sweetheart’s nemesis, and the pair have a child together. When she and her first love are reunited, it becomes clear that she still carries a torch for the man.

I can’t say I even recall the original since I was only exposed to Horror and Rated R movies at that age that appealed to my best friend’s parents. I was only 9.

We would watch them on Beta when they were not home. I was desensitizing myself to violence early.

But the formula seems to fit. Remake an 80s horror with a hot up and coming eyecandy actress and use twice as much gore. Well King is certainly hot, and though she is hardly a new up and coming actress, she certainly isn’t a-list.

Now all we need is extra gore and some Horror enthusiasts to tell you how they did this movie wrong!

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