A little while ago I posted about Stallone remaking a Charles Bronson classic called the Mechanic but now it looks like Stallone is on board for another better known Bronson hit, Death Wish.
According to IMDB Stallones Death Wish is a go. PopMatters talked to the writer of the original who did not exactly have nice things to say about the first film. He tells them quote:
“I’m curious to see what Stallone will do with it. I have no idea whether it’ll be successful at the box-office, but I have a feeling it’ll be a better film than the original was. The original Death Wish movie had enormous impact on people, but if you look at it as cinema, it’s woeful.”
I am pumped as anyone to see Death Wish remade by someone old enough to have gone to it the first time.
Will Stallone be starting a trend of older badass action stars?