The Fanboys Mess Continues

As a life long and die hard Star Wars fan, I was as excited as anyone to see Fanboys when the trailers first came out. But man, it feels like I saw the trailer 2 years ago and still we’re no closer to seeing this movie.

The idea was this: A group of friend decide to sneak into Skywalker Ranch and steal an early copy of “The Phantom Menace” so that they’re cancer striken friend can see it. It becomes a comedy/roadtrip/fan film sort of movie. Sounds great. Well… the Weinsteins then decided recently to edit the whole “cancer” part out of the movie and spent millions of dollar on re-shoots to work around it. All this, and there is STILL no release date. To complicate things even more, it appears they’re going to be offering 2 version of the movie on DVD. One with the cancer storyline, and one without. Huh?!?!

Our friends over at Cinematical give us this:

Now, fans (led, it must be said, by the 501st Stormtrooper Legion) have gone on the warpath. 30,000 e-mails have been sent to the production company, along with threats of a boycott of all Weinstein films, a picket line at Superhero Movie, and cries of “Darth Weinstein!” have forced the company’s hand — slightly. The Weinstein Co has agreed to release two versions of the film on DVD — the original, and the reshot version, and are pondering whether to release both in the theatre.

Ok, the first thing I should say is this: Boycotts of movies because the filmmakers or studios aren’t doing what some fans want is fucking stupid. You found out Paramount clubs baby seals to make their movies? Ok, that’s a good reason to Boycott. You want to organize a boycott for The Hobbit because Peter Jackson isn’t directing? Congratulations… you’re a retard.

Trying to tell a studio how to make a movie is ridiculous. Yeah they may make a ton of mistakes, but guess what, I’ll take their judgement over yours (or mine) any day (as far as the film making process goes).

For fucks sake, let them make their movie as they see fit, then decide if you like it or not. I’m willing to bet if you put the 501st in the producers chair it would turn out 40x worse. It’s great to have opinions and speculate and debate and even have thoughts on how a studio could have done the movie better…. but don’t cross the line into actually thinking you have a place to try to CONTROL what the studio does. That just ruins it for everyone.

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