Warner Brothers to remake Korea’s The Chaser

Looks like Warner Brothers have picked up another foreign runaway hit to go all Hollywood with. This time it is Korea’s “The Chaser”


Warner Bros. has picked up remake rights to South Korea’s surprise hit “The Chaser,” and already the project is taking on the aura of the studio’s last major Asian remake hit, “The Departed.”

Early discussions are underway for William Monahan to write the script, with Leonardo DiCaprio circling to star, but no deals have yet been set.

With the success of the Departed is it any wonder that rumours would fly about DiCarprio being involved or considered? They would love to get their hands on him for another remake.

I say this not just because of DiCaprio’s talent. Anyone would be happy to get him involved. But more so because typically Asian movies translated by Hollywood have been less than successful. Except the Departed.

What better way to squash fears of failure with a name that made it work the first time around? Forget all those other films. WE HAVE DICAPRIO!!

Would be nice for them to be able to say that. Here’s hoping.

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