
ArenaWe get wind today of a sci-fi arena warfare film thanks to the professionals at Variety:

Summit Entertainment has snapped up sci-fi action thriller “Arena,” penned by tyro scribes Toby Wagstaff and Darren Howell. Benderspink, along with the writers’ manager, Jim Thompson, set up the project. Story centers on a group of modern-day soldiers who are mysteriously transported from the thick of battle to a terrain-shifting landscape where they must fight the best warriors of all different eras and histories in a gladiatorial fight to the death — or be killed by the all-powerful operators of the “Arena.”

Mysterious beings, that collect warriors from different points in time, for the purpose of stocking their arena – sounds alright in my books! This synopsis reminds me of the 3 brains that caused the members of the Enterprise to fight against each other in the original Star Trek series. That was one of the greatest episodes of the series, and hopefully this film is similar in quality.

Arenas with gladiatorial combat can make for fantastic films. Pitting warriors from different points in history against each other, makes for some great combination possibilities. Nazis soldiers vs the Mongolian riders of Genghis Khan. The men in black pajamas vs viking raiders. The combinations are limitless and each match should be sure to entertain with different fighting styles, tactics, and surprises.

We don’t have much information about this film yet, but I am excited nonetheless. I love elimination style tournament films, and this kicks that idea up a notch with a library of history’s warriors to choose from! I look forward to further news about this project and will be sure to keep you posted!

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