First Indy 4 Review/New Production Pics

We have our first review for Indiana Jones 4 coming out of the woodwork this morning along with additional set pictures. We get this glorious scoop thanks to Peter over at slashfilm:

Someone has seen Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Jeff Wells has the scoop from someone on the Crystal Skull team over in Spielberg-land (read: I’m not sure how much you can believe this over-the-top positive report), and here are the highlights:

* “The best of the Indy sequels.”
* “The film has the strongest supporting cast of the sequels.”
* “There are many breakneck set pieces, with a protracted jungle chase being particularly memorable. As well as being evocative of the truck chase from the first movie.”
* “…an ending that any longtime diehard fan of the films could only dream about. Expect a particularly resounding reaction in the theater.”

You can read the full report on Hollywood-Elsewhere.

As Peter has already suggested, this news should be taken with a grain of salt. The review has originated from someone involved in the project and is as biased as you can get. That being said, It’s always good to hear positive news about a project you are looking forward to (even if it’s fake). I am afraid to get too excited about this project for fear of letdown, but I want an awesome Indy film as much as anyone, and would be delighted to the nth degree if they make another fantastic picture for the legendary character.

I like the new pictures, the skull temple looks rad and Kate Blanchett looks outstanding as a Nazi with bangs. The pictures that have been coming out are probably what has been stoking the fires of my interest more than anything. So far I have been very happy with the images coming down the pipe; they have really stoked my curiosity about the Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull. I am looking forward to the dungeon crawl, and hidden secret evil! More picture are available at slashfilm – be sure to check out the rest (possible spoilers).




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