It looks like J.J. Abrams is set to produce a picture about high schoolers looking to score. We get word of Hot For Teacher thanks to our good friends at comingsoon:
Paramount Pictures has purchased Jay Dyer’s script Hot for Teacher, with J.J. Abrams to produce via his studio-based Bad Robot. According to Variety, the story revolves around three high school boys who vow to have sex before they graduate; one of the teens plots to seduce a hot teacher.
I love the title for this film, but it shouldn’t focus on students trying to have sex before graduation. A number of students should enter a gentleman’s contest to sleep with the hot teacher, and we follow their attempts to do so. The teacher should be central to the story and the above synopsis makes it seem like a sub plot. A sub plot shouldn’t name the film.
Everyone has memories of a hot teacher in school. I have had a few; studying was always much more difficult when day dreaming about the teacher molesting my young fresh genitals. There is a desire to sleep with older confident women as a youngster, and hot teachers give you a daily peep show.
George Carlin has a great joke about this subject; Quit saying that teenagers that sleep with their hot teachers are being abused: call them what I do – Lucky Bastards
I now present to you Van Halen’ s greatest song that will most likely find its way onto the soundtrack.