Joseph Gordon-Levitt Cast As Cobra Commander

Cobra CommanderIt looks like Cobra Commander will be in the G.I. Joe movie after all! We get news of this casting thanks to our friends at MTV:

It’s been suspected, it’s been rumored, and it’s been wisely deduced. Now, it’s official: Joseph Gordon-Levitt admits that he’s playing Cobra Commander in the “G.I. Joe” movie. “I’ve got a good mask,” he grinned recently, confirming that he’ll play the man who challenges Destro for top dog status in the C.O.B.R.A. organization.

Various sources have revealed that Gordon-Levitt’s mysterious character begins as a close friend of Duke (Channing Tatum), and might even be a former Joe himself; “USA Today” reported recently that the actor is playing “multiple roles.” But this much is certain: By the end of the flick, he’ll be the same blue-clad baddie we all remember. Asked if he’s been practicing his lisp, the actor grinned and replied: “I’ve got a good voice, man.”

It seems I bitch about G.I. Joe every day lately, and for good reason. I was surprised at this news anouncement today and actually have mixed feelings on the matter. I am thrilled that Cobra Commander will be in the film. I was freaking out when I didn’t hear about him in the news that was coming down the pipe; and this news has removed that complaint from my lips. Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s positive comments about the voice and mask of COBRA Commander are also welcomed. I love the character and am glad he will be in the film, a G.I. Joe film wouldn’t be one without him.

Sadly, I hate the rumblings of his origin story. I am confused why the Commander would be friends with Duke, and the idea of him being an ex – Joe offends me. Part of the mystique of Cobra Commander and Destro was that we knew very little about what they looked like. I don’t want to see Cobra Commander’s origin story in this film, I am afraid it will be done just as poorly as Darth Vader’s.

I am excited to see if they are able to recreate the chrome-dome mask of the Commander – that would be awesome. I just hope they don’t bastardize the character after they get him looking good.

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