Seth Green Says No Dice On Austin Powers 4

AustinSeth Green puts to rest rumors of a fourth Austin Powers film this morning. We get the following news thanks to our friends at MTV:

Remember those reports earlier this month that supermodel Gisele Bundchen was in talks to star in “Austin Powers 4,” and had already read a script for the project and was soon to meet Mike Myers and director Jay Roach? And how it thoroughly confused everyone since the film has been nothing more than loose ideas in Myers’ head for years? Well, that’s because none of it is true. That’s according to one person who should know – the demon seed of Dr. Evil himself, Seth Green. When asked about the rumored casting, Green was, like us, frankly astounded. “Giselle…the model??” he exclaimed.

While Green was quick to deny that the film has moved any closer to being a reality, the actor left the door open for future possibilities. “I’ll tell you what,” he declared. “If a script for ‘Austin Powers 4’ gets written and then it gets greenlit by whatever version of New Line is still making movies, and everybody agrees to do it, then we’ll have something to talk about. But at this point, ‘Austin Powers 4’ is nothing more than something Mike Myers talked about off-handedly during the ‘Shrek’ press.”

I enjoyed the first Austin Powers film, I saw it in the theatre and thought it was a humorous spoof of old James Bond films. Then everyone in existence started to pretend they were either Austin Powers, or Dr. Evil by rambling off movie quotations. To this day you can still hear people say “do I make you horny baby?” in the streets. I don’t know what it is about Mike’s characters – but people love to quote them.

The second film was a let down for me, I really didn’t like it that much and the uniqueness of the first film quickly faded. By the third film I was sick of Austin Powers and was saddened that the first film had 2 sequels that diluted the character.

News of no further sequels suits me just fine. I would prefer Meyers write the Dieter movie that was canned years ago. The man has many more characters that he can milk, rather that returning to the same well over and over again. Sprockets had some of the funniest Mike Meyers moments of his SNL run, and I think it’s time that he brought the character to life on the big screen.

International friends – would you like to see any more Austin Powers films, or is three enough.

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