Beavis is likely the worst name you could possibly be given by your parents. It predestines that you will be a loser and likely find yourself gravitated to someone named Butthead just to make yourself feel better about it.
But you are still a loser.
Anyways, it looks like the king of the underdog is talking about making his classic MTV animated duo into a live action film.
Recently, we were able to get a rare interview with Mike Judge, the creator of such pop-culture goodies as “Beavis & Butt-Head,” “Office Space,” “Idiocracy” and “King of the Hill.” In addition to unearthing major details about his next film “Extract,” Judge told us that Beavis & Butt-head are making their return in a brief intro to Volume 3 of his cartoon festival “Animation Show,” and could soon become a live-action movie.
I went through my post secondary years with an admiration for a lot of “idiot animation”. That silly stuff like Ren and Stimpy that are just so silly that they are funny.
But I was NEVER a fan of Beavis and Butthead. Their entire premise was to pick their noses and make fun of music videos (poorly) and then laugh at each other with that irritating breathy “heh heh heh”. Everything they did bothered me. I just didn’t get it.
Still I found myself imitating them when someone would say ass. Heh heh heh.. you said ass.. heh heh heh.
I honestly do like Mike Judge. He spits out pure genius in his sleep. Maybe he should sleep more. But to see this made into a live action version? Wasn’t the feature length film bothersome enough? I don’t know that I want to see this happen, and its very unlikely that they can get me to go to a theater for it.
But then Meet the Spartans and Jackass were hits. So strike while the iron is hot.
Maybe this is part of his master plan to make the message found in Idiocracy come to fruition.