Marvel Studios brought out their first film under their own banner with IronMan and they likely couldnt ask for a better kickoff. I speculated in an earlier post that it was inevitable that they would now be getting the ball rolling on IronMan 2, and that I hoped Thor would be along as well.
Then I tripped over this article at /Film
Marvel Studios opened its war chest up today, revealing the company’s in-house feature roll out through 2011. Here’s what it looks like…
2010 – April 30th: Iron Man 2
2010 – June 4th: Thor (directed by Matthew Vaughn)2011 – May 6th: The First Avenger: Captain America
2011 – July (day N/A): The Avengers
I like this timetable. It is bringing the core Avengers characters (Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk) together and then in a final Avengers film they can introduce some of the peripheral characters that are iconic to the Avengers name, but not significant enough to get their own film. I like that Captain America is getting a film called “The First Avenger” and later that same year we will see a full Avengers flick!
Perhaps after the Avengers (assuming its success) they will then spinoff into stand alone films for the characters that get the most attention.
Oh and by the way.. Whoever is responsible for that rumoured Justice League movie?
This is how you do it.