Winged Migration


I was watching state sponsored socialist television last night and was blown away by the oscar nominated nature documentary Winged Migration. Released in 2003, I missed the film the first time around, but was glad to finally catch up with it. If you are a fan of the Planet Earth series or nature programs in general – this film is a must see.

In Winged Migration we are introduced to a number of different birds from around the globe, and we simply follow them on their migratory journeys. I marvel at the cinematic masterwork that was achieved in this film. The cameramen capture their journey from planes in the sky and stay with the birds so smoothly, that you are sucked into the illusion of flying with them.

Very little dialogue is in this film. It seems every 7-10 minutes the narrator says a short blurb – and then lets us simply watch nature, speak for itself. With a lack of dialogue more focus can be paid to the soundtrack; and this documentary had one that was both varied and excellent.

This film is awe inspiring and overwhelming. It’s as close to perfection as I have seen in a nature film and recommend it whole heartedly. I plan to purchase this film as soon as I find it, and add it to my own personal library. The best part of my job is recommending films that have moved me; and sharing that experience with others. Again, this is a must see and I urge you to seek this film out; you will be glad that you did.

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