Final Orbit


We have obtained some news about Final Orbit this afternoon. It’s a new lost in space type drama, and we get wind of it from our friends at cinematical:

Final Orbit follows a group of thrill-seekers who win a lottery to vacation aboard a newly completed International Space Station. Things go horribly wrong when the station is damaged, stranding the tourists in a damaged module with no trained astronaut to assist them.

The script is being penned by Russell Gewirtz, the author behind Inside Man and the much-discussed DeNiro-Pacino thriller Righteous Kill.

I have no idea why they would launch the film before the comic book. Perhaps they are going to use the film as a way to advertise the comic book. I don’t favor this strategy myself, but different strokes for different folks.

I am also unsure how a film about stranded tourists in a space pod will translate into a comic book. If they land on a crazy planet or get abducted by an alien species – then we are talking. But if its just an emo journey drifting in space, I would certainly not be chomping at the bit to see it.

With luck more news will be made available about his project, so we have something more substantial to dish about.

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