Robin Williams in talks to be the Prince of Providence

Robin Williams seems to really like the serious roles lately and I personally like to see that. He is setting himself up to potentially play a corrupt politician in The Prince of Providence.

MovieHole says:

The one-time funnyman turned morbidity cadaver – c’mon Williams! What’s happened to you man!? – is in talks to star in a ‘Steven Soderbergh Presentation’ about an enigmatic and crooked mayor in the political biopic ‘’The Prince of Providence’’.

I actually like Robin Williams in Dramatic roles, but his ADD approach to random observation humour and intense command of character humour and improv is also appreciated.

One of the qualities that made me love Robin Williams was his ability to go from super silly comedian to strong controlled serious characters. Very few actors can actually be this strong on both fronts. Jim Carrey shows glimmers of doing the same, but doesn’t quite hit the mark.

Robin Williams has a vulnerability that places him closer to the common man, and in this he is perfect to illustrate flawed personalities of the spectrum.

Better yet, Robin is never “too old for this shit”

Robin would join Dermot Mulroney, Adam Goldberg, Bradley Cooper, Ed Burns and Oliver Platt in this film should it work out that Mr Williams signs on.

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