We haven’t heard a lot of news about the reboot of Robocop, but this is a strong hint that its on its way!
FirstShowing says:
The rumors of a RoboCop remake first began in March, when MGM said that RoboCop was a franchise that they wanted to bring back. Considering RoboCop’s screenwriter Ed Neumeier is completely clueless, it’s likely MGM is getting this moving without the involvement of anyone from the original three films. And with that introduction, take a look at this banner from the floor of the Licensing International Expo 2008.
According to this promo image, I would deduce that they are at least visually staying true to the original.
I would assume there would be some updating of the technology side of things so they are not dated into the same “tech talk” we experienced in the 80s. How they deviate from the original in the remake we will find out as more information is released.
I just hope we are exposed to some of the trademark elements of the originator with ads for the SUX6000 and given the opportunity to “buy that for a dollar”
Let the speculation begin.