Sam Raimi Could Be Back For Spider-Man 4

I might actually start calling Sam Raimi, Sam “Lucas” Raimi… or perhaps just Lil’ George. It appears that the once unthinkable could happen. There is a chance Raimi may indeed come back to direct Spider-Man 4. The good folks over at ComingSoon give us this:

I’m hoping I’m well rested enough to embrace it and I’m hoping Sony wants me to do it. If all of those things come together, I would love to do it. There are a lot of unknowns about the future.” And how does he feel about re-casting key players if needed? “I’d hate to re-cast anybody in the future, I can’t imagine that.”

Now, if you haven’t read this post, you may not know why I’m refering to Raimi as Lil’ George. Well, I proposed that the key main reason that George lost his artistic and creative edge was because for the last 20+ years he’s just stayed in the same old familiar settings of Star Wars and Indiana Jones… that creative people like Raimi need to keep moving forward… I loved Spider-Man 1 and especially 2 (3 was one of the worst films I’ve seen in the last 3-4 years), but Raimi needs to move on… do something else.

I also don’t think it’s a coincidence that his tone about returning to Spider-Man has changed since we learned that he indeed will not be the man to helm “The Hobbit” (apparently that came very close). I certainly don’t blame anyone for going after a big payday like a Spider-Man 4 would certainly be for him… but come on Sam… you’re rich enough. Move on from Spider-Man… stay fresh. Do some new lower budget (like under the $200 million you got used to having with the Spider-Man flicks) horror, or even comedy.

As a side note, I cringe when he says he’s want to bring the original cast back… does anyone really want to see Kirsten Dunst as Mary Jane again? *shudder*

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