Some Hindu Groups Urge Massive Boycott Of “Love Guru” – Do They Have A Point?

Love-Guru-ProtestsI’ve made it no secret that I think the new Mike Myers film “The Love Guru” looks absolutely abysmal. I mean $3 hooker ugly. I mean on the level of “Meet the Spartans” bad. And that hurts like hell for me to say because I am a HUGE Myers fan… but let’s call a spade a spade… this thing looks beyond horrible. I may even actually skip seeing this thing… which would be the first time I ever do that for a Myers movie. Anyway…

Over the past month or so my inbox has been getting hammered with press releases from a Hindu group denouncing the movie, calling for a massive boycott, trying to pressure other websites from endorsing or advertising it (one of the websites they targeted was the spiritual website beliefnet), demanding the film be re-edited before release in the states… there has even been an attempt at legal action.

The main emphasis of these press release emails has been that “The Love Guru” hurts Hindus and offends them. These types of things are not uncommon (for example: Italian groups protested “The Sopranos” for how it portrayed Italian Americans).

Now let me say this right up front. I completely respect and endorse any person, or persons right to express opposition to anything if they feel they or their group’s image are unfairly attacked. Therefore, is janitors across the nation feel a certain movie portrays all sanitation workers as dirty drug addicted rapists, then they have every right to express their opinion by protesting or organizing a boycott. I get it. I don’t always agree… but I understand and support their right to do so.

But what about something like “The Love Guru”? Does this film look like it’s going to make sweeping negative claims about Hinduism and Hindus in general that are offensive and hurtful? Well… if the movie does that, then I can understand the point of all these press release emails I’ve been getting. But as someone who hasn’t seen the movie yet (nor have the people sending out those emails) I do have to make one observation:

My question is this – Does the Love Guru:

1) Tell the story of how Hindus are all dumb.


2) Tell the story of one dumb Hindu?

There is a universe of difference between the two above options. If the answer is #1 (which doesn’t appear likely according to the trailers and footage I’ve seen), then yes… these Hindu groups have every right to be miffed and upset. HOWEVER…

If the answer is #2 (which seems the most likely and logical answer) then I don’t see how there is anything to complain about. Was Austin Powers a flagrant insult to all British people in the world and created solely with the express purpose to offend and hurt those from the United Kingdom…. or was he just a single individual who became a representation of hyper exaggerated British mannerisms for the purposes of spoof and fun… not an embodiment of a literal commentary of British culture in general?

If we all followed this groups example… then American groups should be calling for a boycott of the upcoming “Get Smart”, since in it, and American Agent is portrayed as a bit of a bumbling klutz. Should all Americans really be offended and hurt by this portrayal of an American… OR… should Americans just take the character and an exaggerated caricature spoofing and poking some fun at some hyperbolic American mannerisms for the purpose of humor? Obviously the answer is the latter.

But that’s just my opinion. What do you think? In a situation like this, do those who are trying to pressure and boycott “The Love Guru” have a valid beef? Do you believe this movie will attack the Hindu population? Or is this being blown way out of proportion?

Wait a second… for totally different reasons maybe we all SHOULD be joining in with this group… heavens knows I don’t want it hitting theater. :P

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