Hey there guys. Just a heads up for you… later this afternoon we’ll be putting up our regular Friday The Movie Blog: Uncut Podcast, but just before that, we’ll also be putting up a special Incredible Hulk Review podcast (2 podcasts in one day). I thought since The Incredible Hulk is such a “guy” movie, it might also be fun to get the perspective of a woman who isn’t into comic books, so joining Doug and I for the movie today and then the podcast to give us that woman’s perspective is my friend Evelina. Keep an eye open for it later today.
For The Hulk podcast, it will be broken down into 2 parts… the first part will just be review with very little to no spoilers. Then we’ll let you know that we’re going into the second part of the podcast where we’ll talk OPENING about the film (so some spoilers will be a part of it), the parts we loved or hated… stuff like that. But don’t worry, like I said we’ll give you a warning before we dive into that part.