WTF?!? An X-Men 3 Question For Everyone

Ok, I don’t know why this suddenly popped into my head this morning… but for whatever reason it did. Someone help me out with this.

Now, I actually liked X-Men 3. Yes, it was the weakest of the three, but I still found it entertaining despite its flaws (watching Hank McCoy, AKA “Beast”, in battle was actually kind of awesome). So this question isn’t me bitching, and I don’t know why I didn’t think of this before. So here it goes:

In X-Men 3 they find a “cure” for mutants that takes away their powers and makes them normal humans. The cure comes from a young Mutant named Leech whose power negates mutant powers. So…. if his mutant powers is to shut off mutant powers… why did his power still work??? I know I know… stupid question for a post… but now it’s bothering me. :P

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