Sometimes you trip over something online and its breaking news that just has to be shared, other times its just something so cool, you just gotta say something about it.
Well with all the crossover stuff happening in Marvel films and cameo appearances in film, it looks like a fan took a peek at a crossover born in Geek Heaven that sadly will never happen. But it would be all sorts of cool.
What if Batman’s Tumbler (the movie Batmobile) was actually a Transformer?

I like the Batsymbol on his chest and the face even resembles the cowl. Even the name sounds Transformer-ish. Tumbler. Man that would be made of awesome. And a great illustration by the creative artists at Jester Pictures.
What other iconic vehicles do you think would make for cool Transformers. Clearly KITT is a Cylon warrior, but can you think of others?
The full image can be found at Cinematical by clicking on the widescreen poster.