Brolin And Crew Get Liquored, Rowdy and Thrown In The Slammer!

JoshThis story rules. It appears the cast and crew of W got all boozed up, caused a ruckus, and then started to cause problems for police when a lighting tech was being taken away! Saturday Morning’s Main Event is brought to us by the drunk tanks of Yahoo:

W. costars Josh Brolin and Jeffrey Wright were arrested outside a Louisiana bar early this morning after trying to exercise too much executive authority when the cops tried to arrest their drunk-and-disorderly pal, according to the Shreveport Police. The police were called to Stray Cats bar at around 2 a.m. to break up a disturbance, but things apparently got so rowdy that the popos had to call for backup.

Brolin and Wright were busted after allegedly trying to intervene when one of the crew members they were with, 29-year-old Eric Felland, a lighting technician, was collared for public intoxication and resisting arrest, per authorities. The other members of the W. brigade were taken into custody and charged with interfering with police, a misdemeanor. Brolin was booked into the city jail and released after posting a $334 cash bond.

When you go to a bar called “Stray Cats” you know the evening may end on a shady note. It appears that the cast and crew thought they could let loose at this establishment, but sadly the law had to get in the way of a rowdy good time and kill everyone’s buzz.

Reports I was reading on CNN over the weekend indicated that fisticuffs were the reason the police were called in the first place, but this story seems to lack these facts. The lighting guy probably started some shit, a fight broke out and then when the cops came Brolin stepped in and said “come on man, it’s just some scrappin!” I cannot be sure, and am speculating heavily – but I have seen enough bar room theatrics to guess that something akin to this may have been the case.

International Friends, if you know a guy, that knows a guy who lives in Shreveport – please see if you can get them to email us the word on the street.

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