Comic Con Day 4: Troma Panel


International Friends, I bring news from the Troma panel at Comic Con. The panel featured people that have worked with Lloyd, or are currently working in the field and consider him to be an inspiration. The panel Featured Lloyd Kaufman, Mark Neveldine, Chad Gilbert, Batton Lash, Stephen Paul, and Alison Star.

Lloyd Kaufman started the panel introducing Mark Neveldine. Mark went on to proclaim poultrygeist the best film in the last 4 years and shared that Lloyd will have a role as a Genericon in Game and have a surprise role in Crank 2.

Chad Gilbert from New Found Glory was up to bat next to discuss the poultrygeist theme song. We were lucky enough to see the video for the song and it was hilarious. Sadly I haven’t seen the film – but look forward to doing so. He also mentioned that he started his own website

Batton Lash creator of the comic book supernatural law spoke third. His comic book is about lawyers who represent the supernaturally afflicted, and has a crossover issue featuring the Toxic Avenger being defended before judge Lloyd Kaufman.

Stephan Paul producer of Ghost Rider discussed his plans to work with Speilberg for the upcoming Ghost In The Shell film. He just finished the film adaptation of Tekken, and is currently working on Castlevania and Lost Planet. Stephan Paul then proclaimed Lloyd as the symbol of the independent, and among the most generous of people. He closed by sharing that Ghost In the Shell will be 3-D

Allyson Sereboff, star of Poultrygeist then shared stories about the filming of the movie and what it was like to live with 50 people in one house, with one bathroom, for 2 months!
During the panel we got to see a cool short of Toxie in Iraq, and promo clips from Make Your Own Damn Movie. We were reminded that Poultrygeist will be available on DVD Oct. 28th and much was spoken about the influence and kindness of Mr. Kaufman. The man makes films the way he wants and his voice has been one of inspiration to many.

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