Diablo Cody Set To Pen Another Spielberg Idea

SpielbergIt looks like the Cody/Spielberg team up is back for another unnamed, secret project. We get wind of this phantom picture from our friends at comingsoon:

Oscar-winning Juno screenwriter Diablo Cody has been hired to write an untitled comedy script for DreamWorks Pictures that is based on an original idea by Steven Spielberg. Variety says the studio is keeping story details under such tight wraps that even dealmakers involved with the project were in the dark. There are no producers yet attached.

The project marks the second time the pair have collaborated. Cody wrote the pilot and is executive producing Showtime series “The United States of Tara,” also based on an original idea from Spielberg.

Well, this news is hush, hush so we have no idea what this film will be about. I am interested in seeing The United States of Tara as to gauge how well the team up works. My thoughts on that series will most likely be the bellwether of excitement for the second team up.

So there you have it folks, Spielberg and Cody are back in bed birthing projects. We will be sure to fill you in on the details of this newly announced project once they are made available to the world!

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