Goyer Working on Invisible Man Sequel

David Goyer is working on a sequel to the 1993 film based on H.G. Wells novel The Invisible Man.

ShockTillYouDrop says:

Picking up months after the events of Wells’ novel (it’s a period piece), Goyer says his take is loaded with historical figures including William Melville, head of Scotland Yard and the founder of MI6. “He instituted fingerprinting and was friends with Harry Houdini. He’s where the ‘M’ comes from in MI6. In my story, he’s the one who captures the Invisible Man in my story and says, ‘Listen, we want to turn you into a secret agent and send you into Imperial Russia.'”

I find a certain amount of amusement thinking of a visual artist being hired on to conceptualize the look of an invisible man. I also find it funny that they are “fleshing out” the story of something that isn’t there.

It sounds like an interesting take, and I really like these sort of suspense fantasy stories that are set in this time period. Such a rich source for some great visuals.

Even if the star of the movie won’t be there. Mostly.

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