Inglorious Bastards Set For October Start

Quentin-TarantinoIt looks like Inglorious Bastards is ready to rollout! We get news today that the much anticipated Tarantino actioner will start to shoot in sombre October. A big thank you to our friends at comingsoon for the following scoop:

Quentin Tarantino is once again teaming with The Weinstein Company as he readies Inglorious Bastards for an October shoot, says The Hollywood Reporter.

The writer/director is reteaming with the Weinsteins for his long-gestating World War II action tale about a Dirty Dozen-like group of soldiers behind enemy lines. The Weinstein Company will co-finance the film, distribute it domestically and oversee production and worldwide marketing.

In related news, Deadline Hollywood Daily has learned that Tarantino is talking to Brad Pitt about playing a role in the film.

The article goes on to say that the project will be fast tracked in order to make the cut for Cannes! I have been very excited about this project since I heard the first rumblings about it. A Tarantino war movie is something that I have high hopes for, and as I have previously mentioned – I am very stoked that it will be in the vein of The Dirty Dozen.

Having Brad Pitt on board is A-OK with me. Tarantino talked a few years ago about getting Arnold, Sly and Willis on board this project. If he can nab a few (or all) of these dudes, I would scream to the winds in triumph! The Governator no doubt may have other responsibilities, but If Bruce Willis and Stallone can hop aboard this train with Brad Pitt – that would still be an ocean of awesome.

We will be sure to shoot any updates your way, and keep you abreast of Bastards progress!

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