Red Dawn Remake News

ReddawnWe have a new news about the Red Dawn remake. We get the following scoop from our friends at ropeofsilicon:

The Hollywood Reporter has a new article talking about how Dan Bradley (who?) will direct a remake of the 1984 flick Red Dawn. Carl Ellsworth has been hired to recraft the ultimate homeland invasion story about a new generation of besieged high schoolers.

In terms of the new film, Ellsworth told THR, “The tone is going to be very intense, very much keeping in mind the post-9/11 world that we’re in. As ‘Red Dawn’ scared the heck out of people in 1984, we feel that the world is kind of already filled with a lot of paranoia and unease, so why not scare the hell out of people again?”

If they are going to have a terrorist threat in place of a Soviet Invasion I’m curious why they want to remake this film at all. I would much prefer they stick to the original film, or make a different movie all together. I simply do not get “remakes” that change so much of the original, that barely any resemblance remains.

I could be reading into the above quote too much; I do have an admitted “hate on” for remakes and would like to see this current trend go the way of the Dodo bird. I just hope this film will have the special spark of the original that caused it to be so endearing to many. If that happens, I will gladly eat my words; if not – I told you so.

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