Tyrese Gibson talks Thundercats Movie

Now being of that generation of cartoons like Transformers and GIJoe, there was one other cartoon that really pushed the limits of my “age to be watching cartoons” and that was Thundercats. Right after school if I got home early enough I could see Thundercats just before GIJoe and Transformers.

Well Tyrese Gibson has slipped suggesting he might be headed towards playing a part in a Thundercats movie.

ComingSoon says:

Tyrese said that he’s been very involved in the attempt to bring the classic ’80s cartoon series to the big screen and seemed to hint that a deal is very nearly complete. We asked him what character he’d be playing and he just smiled and said that there’s a number of options on the table.

Personally I think Gibson is simply the only choice for Panthro. Aside from the fact that Panthro was blue his voice supplied by African actor Earle Hyman, as well as his physique is similarily drawn to Tyrese’s build. So as much as Tyrese is saying there are a number of options open, I really hope if he is signed that he is doing Panthro.

Unlike some of the other 80s tv adaptations, I think Thundercats might have a decent chance at an update. The style of the show implied that it was futuristic, and with some tweaks could easily be stylized with less cheesy costumes and make for an incredible fantasy-scifi adventure film.

Thundercats was probably more important to me than GI Joe so it falls in a #2 spot for me in my late 80s cartoon consumption. I have all the released seasons on DVD.

Dare I say that if Jolie was to put on some curves again I would have her pegged for Cheetara in a heartbeat. Then get Miley Cyrus and some other cute Disney kid to play the Thunderkittens. (I jest)

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