Avengers may be Assembling at Toronto’s FilmPort

Superheroes in Canada? Why not. XMen was shot here, as well as the Hulk, and now it looks like Toronto Canada’s new dedicated Film Production Studio Filmport may be giving a home to the production team behind the Avengers.

Hollywood North reports:

Toronto’s new, state-of-the-art, $60 million full-service production studio, Filmport, has officially opened its doors with an invite-only media launch party/red carpet ribbon cutting ceremony.

In attendance were Toronto mayor David Miller and director David “A History Of Violence” Cronenberg.

Although the huge facility has yet to book any big-budget US features, director George “Night Of The Living Dead” Romero recently set up shop in a suite of offices, for his next Toronto-lensed zombie outing.

Rumours were also circulating that Marvel will shoot their upcoming comic book-to-film superhero team-up The Avengers at Filmport.

The Avengers is shaping up to be an ensemble superhero film done right allowing for each of its heavy hitting stars to have their own established films before combining. Such a smart move.

I am actually THRILLED that it might be filming close to where I live. This means I will have to hone up my ninja skills and sneak on set (Like I did with the Hulk when the blew up the bus in my hometown) but this time I will be prepared!!

Toronto is the most Hollywood friendly city, so its great to see a production company like Filmport opening up here. I expect a lot of big things from FilmPort.

Now if we can only get an Alpha Flight movie going…

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