James Franco for Jack Ryan?

So what do Alec Baldwin, Harrison Ford and Ben Affleck all have in common? They all played Jack Ryan in the movies based on Tom Clancy’s political action novels collectively known as the RyanVerse.

MovieWeb reports:

Sam Raimi is eyeing up actor James Franco to portray Jack Ryan in his reboot of the franchise.The scooper also mentioned that Paramount wasn’t keen on the idea of Franco taking the lead in this franchise and also that Raimi and the studio are butting heads over this, to the point where, the scooper notes, that Raimi is even considering walking away from the project because of it.

Gotta admire the dedication of a guy who is willing to quit a job because he feels strong enough about a role. But then at the same time its not like Raimi wouldn’t be offered 10 more films to fill that sudden void of free time he set aside for this one.

James Franco has been showing himself to be more versitile than his Harry “More emo than Spidey” Osborn role, and I think that he could pull it off. I think Franco needs some tough meat to sink into so people will appreciate him more and this just might be the role.

Raimi directed Franco in all three Spiderman movies, so you think he would be aware of what James is capable of.

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