Linda Hamilton in Terminator Salvation?

Linda Hamilton was a wonderful transition character from the 80s pop club hopping girl to the hardcore badass freedom fighter we see from Terminator 2 and beyond. She defined that role and played the “crazy-not-crazy” woman so well.

She’s the mother of the savior of mankind! She’s the Virgin Mary with a semi-automatic weapon.

Sarah Connor was written out of Terminator3 having succumbed to leukemia. She did live long enough for the predicted Judgement Day to come and go without the fall of mankind and dies thinking its over. So the last thing we expected was Hamilton reprising her role. But rumour says she just might do that!

ComingSoon says: has posted an interesting rumor stating that Linda Hamilton will be reprising her role as Sarah Connor in flashbacks for Terminator Salvation. The site later spoke with a rep for the actress who said they hadn’t heard of it, but we think there might be some truth to it!

I think I would be up for seeing Linda back in flashbacks. I think it would be appropriate that if they do show scenes like these that they get her to play the part.

I didn’t care so much for Terminator3 and maybe a part of that was a lack of Linda Hamilton. Her role in shaping the mission of John connor was so important, and he just didn’t seem “ready” in T3 to me.

Also, it seems very likely just because if they used a different actress to play her, it could distract from the continuity. So why go out of the way to not use her?

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