The Summer of the Superhero brings in $4billion

This summer seems to have been one of the best movie seasons in my own memory. So many great films released all vying for a piece of your disposable income. Compare this to the Summer of 3’s (Spiderman3, Shrek3, Pirates3) and we have a major hit on our hands.

Word in says it tipped the FOUR BILLION DOLLAR mark!

Yahoo reports:

Led by the blockbuster Batman sequel “The Dark Knight,” U.S.-Canadian weekend ticket sales since May 2 are running just ahead of last summer, up 1.2 percent, according to box office tracking service Media By Numbers.

But with the number of actual admissions down nearly 3 percent from a year ago, the gain in revenues is fueled mostly by higher ticket prices.

I do find it interesting that when it comes down to it, the actual attendance at the theaters is actually DOWN while higher ticket prices are blowing the budget open.

So this amazing blockbuster summer that will forever be known for its domination of Superhero films didn’t draw more people to the theater, just more of their money.

I would have thought with such an amazing lineup of films that they would be reporting more people being drawn to the cinema than ever before, but it was approximately the same.

Still. Four Billion Dollars is still an amazing achievement, and a large portion of that was due only to The Dark Knight accounting for nearly an eighth of that total. Considering how many movies came out this summer, an eighth is still a pretty dominating slice of the pie.

Without it Hollywood would be reporting a decline for this summer.

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