Voltron is Back on Track!

…and I’ll form THE HEAD!

One of my favourite cartoons as a child is going to get updated into a film. Yeah, we heard it before and the Voltron movie posibilities just didn’t seem to be happening. But word is now that movies like Transformers are proving to be a big hit, they are looking at other franchises that just didn’t seem realistic to make movies out of.

Latino Review says:

Fox-based New Regency has put robot project “Voltron: Defender of the Universe” into turnaround.Ryan Kavanaugh’s financing and production venture Relativity Media is in negotiations to back the property, though on a more moderate budget, utilizing the type of cost-effective technology employed in films including “300.”

The Mark Gordon Co. still is attached to produce “Voltron,” which is based on the popular Japanese animated TV series of the 1980s. Mark Gordon and Jordan Wynn are producers. Bryan Zuriff is exec producing. Producers expect to attach a director within the next week.

The ball. It is rolling.

Now I know there is a handful of people with the whole “why are they raping my childhood!” pinned to their shirts so they don’t lose the note on the way home from school, but I have no issues with modern live action updates of 80s cartoons. Of course I hope that they are “done right” and I think Transformers was “done right” so I have faith in Hollywood on this one.

Hopefully we will get a very realistic version of the Voltron lions and a crew that doesn’t come from a Thunderbirds Go movie. It always bothered me that out of all the trained and capable military staff and gifted experienced pilots on the planet they always manage to find a handful of kids to pilot the unique technology destined to save us from alien invaders!

Edit: I have added this short video clip of the Five robot Lions of the Voltron Force combining to form Voltron.
Some people just don’t know what Voltron is so this might spark some memories, or give you a glimpse into why this needs an updated version!

This is the clear favourite. There was a vehicle version of Voltron that would air in the same timeslot in cycles but it wasn’t even close to the Lion Voltron. You always knew it was over when Voltron pulled out that sword!

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28 thoughts on “Voltron is Back on Track!

  1. @DrTheopolis, that would be the “vehicle” Voltron mentioned numerous times in the comment section and the original story above.

    And it was the poor cousin of the Voltron series. When it was on cycle, Voltron fans found something else to watch until the real Voltron came back in that timeslot.

  2. Does anyone remember the alternate version of VOLTRON that was comprised of (something like) 23 separate little spaceships?? That was a way more interesting series and a somewhat more plausible premise than the lion version.

  3. Ah the dear Voltron. To learn more about Voltron go here:


    And to see a vid of the two intros (Lion Voltron & Vehicle Voltron) go here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kM_rf7ROUOY
    (Note the voice of the narrator… yup, it’s Peter Cullen aka Optimus Prime.)

    Voltron was one of the mighty five shows that shaped my childhood. There were: Transformers, G.I.Joe, Voltron, M.A.S.K, and the Centurians. Ah my love of robots, lasers, and technology…

  4. My brother and I loved Voltron as kids -the Lion version not the stupid cars in space. I still enjoy watching Voltron even though it’s cheesy as all hell. I’m not sure how I feel about a movie…I think it’d be fun, but I’m going to wait and watch how it develops before I get excited.

  5. shits for brains man, Voltron?? …. the premise is just bad. At least Transformers have some balls in the story. i dont get it, why remake such crappy cartoons when they can remake better ones? well actually most 80’s cartoons are crap shit, but we love it way back when cause we were kids, what else is there to watch eh? lol.

  6. I could care less if Michael Bay directed it. I don’t like him as a director, no matter how much I loved Transformers. I’ll stick more towards Guillermo Del Toro or Peter Jackson (I can wait for Lovely Bones)

  7. I agree with both of Rodney’s posts. I get very defensive when people say that Voltron is a Power Rangers rip off. Voltron started in 1984 I believe, long before Power Ranges. The silly rangers are therefore a watered-down Voltron.

    Not that Voltron wasn’t silly. I agree it is very dated, but I still love it for nostalgia sake. I never watched the 3D Voltron series, but thought it looked horrible. But then again, who knows what I would have thought about the 80’s cartoon were I to see it now for the first time.

  8. You don’t have to remind us. We just ignored it. It was terrible and even tackier than the first one.

    Nostalgia keeps the original Voltron alive in our imaginations and an updated version will make it cool again

  9. Voltron and Transformers came out in the same year and BOTH predate the Power Rangers.

    Voltron is similar to Transformers in that they had giant combining robots (before they were introduced in Transformers) and that is about it.

  10. You guys, I have to remind people of this. There was a Voltron cartoon out awhile back that was on Channel 5 or 7 on Saturday mornings. The story continued, some of it was actually wrapped up or at least drawn out from the original, but the animation was severely computer generated, a far cry from what we had back when Voltron was as is the clip that was shown on this website. Anybody know what I’m talking about?

  11. I am a huge Voltron geek and am praying this movie gets made. I personally had a lot of fun at the Transformers, and hope Voltron van get enough of a budget to do it right and look half as good as Transformers did.

    Also, I read the Voltron script that was leaked on Latin Review last year and loved it. It was a complete reinvisioning of the Voltron story, and I thought a kick-ass sounding one at that. Keeping my fingers crossed.

  12. I don’t mind Devastator actually, It’s just I don’t like the particular design of Voltron or the need of a separate movie.

    If only they could merge these two franchises somehow…

  13. if hollywood wants to make “big robot movies” then they should look at gundam franchise, it takes place in the future, its about war, & theres a lot of space battles… i would love to see hollywood do a live action gundam wing movie, that has to be better than 5 robots turning in to one big robot…not that i didn’t watch voltron when i was a kid but its way to much like power rangers

  14. im i the only one that thinks a good power ranger movie could work?

    if they make the ueniforms extremely sick and get rid of the pink one i think it would be cool….

    like the hob goblin only cooler..idk im just saying id love to see megazor in action..

    i always liked megazor more then optimus prim anyways…

    erase all the gay catchfrases and give them a gore gore gritty script thats realistic and have a bunch of bad ass aliens and there you go…

  15. I don’t really see a reason to do this movie. The robot itself is basically just a Transformer with lion heads as hands (which is kinda stupid). I’m good with just more Transformers movies…

  16. Wow i remember those cartoons i hope they get a realistic movie from it ,that would be great because Voltron was view by most of the Latin public and not just the Latin public almost the hall America community, god in surprise about this movie.

  17. Voltron has a Japanese robots type that will emerge into one robot, like Goggle V, Voltus, and Power Ranger. It was actually very cool. If they will direct it like Transformers it would be awesome…

  18. We can only hope it is as good or better than Transformers. Its very likely it will be directed by someone OTHER than Bay so it will be a LOT like Transformers, but people will have no reason to hate it.

  19. Dragonslayer, Google is a powerful tool. Check it out.

    Voltron doesn’t hold up to today’s standards much but the core story and the neato 5 robot lions merging together to make a bigass robot is pretty cool stuff.

    @Bruce, nothing ever turns out how you think it might in your head regardless of who makes it. Otherwise I would have meant that I made it. I loved Transformers and I dont care what the whiny BayHaters wanna say, it was awesome. Bay did just fine with the concept and it wasn’t perfect, but I liked it just the same.

  20. Transformers was crap, and this will probably be no different. I admit that nostalgia makes old things seem far better than they actually are, but most modern stuff is no better and sometimes lot worse than the source material.

    Also, people complaining about their childhood being raped are most likely NOT in school anymore – I guess this is quite obvious. The ones in school probably react more like the DragonSlayer fellow above me, wondering what the fuss is all about.

  21. I guarantee when you heard there was going to be a live action transformers film made, what you had in your head was nothing close to Michael bays vision.

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