Zohan Banned From Arab Nations

Allah be praised! It looks like Zonhan has been stopped in his tracks and will be unable to corrupt the youth of many Arab states thanks to censorship. We get the following scoop from the professionals at Variety:

Arab auds won’t be getting the chance to mess with Adam Sandler after his laffer about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict “You Don’t Mess With The Zohan” was blocked from Arab cinemas.

While censorship has eased slightly across the Arab world in recent years, a number of subject matters remain taboo. Anything attacking religion is generally a no-no everywhere in the region, while sex is a problem in the more conservative Gulf states, although not an issue in socially liberal Lebanon. The country, for example, was the only Arab country to allow the theatrical release of “Sex and the City.”

Many were not happy with the Zohan after they shelled out money to see his film. It received little praise, and the word on the street was that it was hurting. Many are no doubt championing the Arab states for making the correct decision.

Regardless of how good or bad the film is, I still think people should have a chance to see it if they want to. No governing body should be able to dictate what Adam Sandler films we can or cannot watch.

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