Aronofsky Finished Noah Script

Noah Sm2

We heard about Aronofsky’s desire to do a film based on Noah (of the arc) a few months back. It appears he has finished the script and is now setting the wheels in motion to pull everything together. We get the following scoop thanks to slashfilm via cinematical:

“I wrote it. Me and Ari Handel, the guy who worked on The Fountain. It’s a great script and it’s HUGE. And we’re starting to feel out talent. And then we’ll probably try and set it up … [the budget] is big. I mean, Look… It’s the end of the world and it’s the second most famous ship after the Titanic. So I’m not sure why any studio won’t want to make it. It’s a really cool project and I think it’s really timely because it’s about environmental apocalypse which is the biggest theme, for me, right now for what’s going on on this planet. So I think it’s got these big, big themes that connect with us. Noah was the first environmentalist. He’s a really interesting character. Hopefully they’ll let me make it.”

Tthe story of Noah is an interesting one, and has all that’ s needed for an outstanding film (especially a dark one). A man must deal with the knowledge of the coming apocalypse as he assembles a boat that will be the only means of escape. I am no psychiatrist – but I bet that would give most of us a few sleepless nights, and make booze a bit more delicious.

I am going to guess Aronofsky’s “HUGE” comment means that the film will be epic in length; and rightly so. This is a story that would lend itself well to a longer film, and I am excited to hear that this project has begun to take shape.

We will be sure to keep all of you up to speed on the developments.

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11 thoughts on “Aronofsky Finished Noah Script

  1. The stupid silly story of Noah’s Ark is a horrible story. But Aronofsky could probably make an epic film about a dictionary. I can’t wait to see any film he makes.

  2. We learned from Evan Almighty that Steve Carell alone doesn’t guarantee a good film. Other than that, nothing that relates to an actual Noah film.

    I don’t know why, but I keep picturing Daniel Day-Lewis as Noah. Could be because I just bought There Will Be Blood.

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