Christian Bale and Kermit – What are they thinking?

I am stealing a page out of Doug’s book of fun posts, and introducing you to this great set of pictures.What are they thinking about??

I found this image over on my new favourite online geek hideout, HardCore Nerdity a new social networking site that focuses on the geeky and nerdy things we love about pop culture. It is still in its Beta stage, so its not done yet, but if you sign up a profile now, you get entered into a draw to win a SmartCar!! Not kidding.

The site is run by an intrepid crew of ubergeeks that are all better looking than me, including the Canadian Geek icon Johnathan Llyr.

After you create a profile Group there to show your support, and be sure to friend me!

And tell me Bale and Kermit? Separated at birth?
What are they thinking about??

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