Spider-man Hits Broadway In 2009

Spiderman SideartIt looks like Spider-man will be swinging into Broadway very shortly! We get wind of this news from our friends at IESB:

The Spider-man Musical backed by Broadway veteran Julie Taymor has long been talked about over at Marvel Studios.

The production, based on the popular comic book and movie character, has been in the works for the past three and a half years, Maisel said Monday at the Thomas Weisel Consumer Conference in New York. And commented that they hope to have the show up and running as soon as 2009.

Taymor has been signed on to the project for more than a year now and The Edge and Bono from U2 have completed the score.

It seems weird to me that Bono and The Edge are scoring the production. I am guessing the production will have some sort of rock soundtrack. I don’t think these two would surprise us with classical pieces out of their back pocket. I’m curious to see what kind of score they have whipped up and if it is well received.

If they can get Spider-man to fly around on wires in the stage production – it would be awesome. I have seen wire work done before in a musical (Joseph) and would certainly hope that we see lots of aerial acrobatics in this one. I think a Spider-man production of this kind could be a lot of fun. I hope the show eventually comes to LA, or Toronto: but if the reviews are good maybe a trip to NY would be in order.

International Friends – would you see a Spider-man Broadway spectacular?

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