Guillermo Talks On The Unity of The Hobbit Films

HobbitWe have some news on the way Guillermo plans to tackle the upcoming Hobit films today thanks to an inter view he had with MTV via our friends over at cinematical.

“The reality is that we stopped talking the first movie and second movie, and we just started taking about the movie – the two episodes, or two parts, as if they were a single piece of narrative. We don’t even call it the bridge movie, we just call it ‘The Movie.’ And this is great. When we found what reverberated, and we found it in one of our virtual meetings — we understood. It’s a movie. We all agree that if we do our job right, it should all feel like a continuous journey. That’s what we’re striving for.”

Is that any clearer? No, I didn’t think so. But actually, del Toro dropped one hint, one riddle in the dark that might just solve everything — he let slip where the first movie would end. “We are finding out. I think Smaug dies in the first movie. So draw your own conclusions.”

This is some interesting news regarding the creation of the films. If they’re going to end the first at the dragon fight – you couldn’t hope for a better ending to 1 of 2. In the second film they then finish the remainder of the Hobbit and add the “bridge material” to fill it up.

If they are splitting the Hobbit up, and adding parts to the second film I can see this news possibly upsetting some fans. We dont have a clean break from the tale of the Hobbit to the new bridging story. For the sake of the fans I hope the end product removes all concern; this approach may actually be better for the films as a unit.

I cannot say I mind this news, the positives outweigh the negatives in my books. They have 2 films to get all of the Hobbit on the screen, have a great ending for the first film and can build upon the remainder of the Hobbit in the second act to rope it all together.

This is certainly a heavy responsibility and not one to be taken lightly. May the wisdom of the woods guide their thoughts.

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