The Bunny Bails On DVD

PlayboyPlayboy has decided to axe DVD’s entirely in favor of downloadable content. We get news of this strategic shift by the porno lords thanks to the sensual grottoes of Yahoo:

Playboy Enterprises Inc, which publishes the world’s most widely read adult entertainment magazine, will stop making DVDs to save about $12 million a year, and focus on distributing its content online, the company said in a regulatory filing.

Shutting its DVD operations will cost 80 jobs and $2 million in restructuring charges, according to the filing on Wednesday with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

This move makes sense for Playboy. People are awkward when buying porno, even soft core stuff like playboy. If you’ve ever gone into an adult video store and have seen people with heads lowered shuffling around like embarrassed puppies then you know what I’m talking about.

Porno + anonymity = money. Fans of Playboy videos will no doubt be fine with this change. With luck, the savings Playboy receives from this move will also be passed down to the consumer. I hope they have some sort of “digital rights locker” where people can download a copy of the film anew for free in the event that the file becomes corrupted or deleted accidentally.

Playboy is a fantastic mens magazine and I hope the company continues to reinvent itself in order to stay successful. The videos are fine, but the magazine is an institution that needs to be with us till the end of time. It is a place where the art of the photographed nude is championed, quality articles thrive and cartoons live on. Playboy is more than titties, it’s a magazine for fellas that celebrates what’s best in life.

The above post was written by Doug Nagy

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