Antonio Banderas Dons Dali

Salvador-DaliWe have word today that Antonio Banderas will play the role of the immortal Salvador Dali in Dali. We get the following scoop thanks to our friends at the movieweb:

Variety reports that Antonio Banderas is about to close a deal to play Salvador Dali in Simon West’s, Dali.

The film will be produced by Media 8 Entertainment. The goal for the film is for it to merge music and CGI sequences to showcase the creative process of Salvador Dali. It will also look at how the painter’s work featured “sex, sin and surrealism only to succumb later to worldwide scandal and misfortune.”

I know little about this legendary surrealist. He was the owner of one of histories great mustaches and word has it that he used to wear a cape. Anyone who wears a cape simply because they want to is AOK in my books. This outlandish man is one that I wish I had the pleasure of meeting.

His peculiarity was dwarfed by the shadow of his genius and every form of art crafted from his hands seem to be a masterpiece. From his well known and heavily duplicated paintings to his outstanding sculptures (see the rhino above) this guy had the gift of turning the bizarre world inside his head into reality, for all to enjoy.

It will be cool to see Banderas take on this role. I can see him doing well in Dali’s pants, and doing the mustache proud. I enjoy biopics and this is one that I look forward to with great curiosity Today has been a good news day for Douglas. I am strained to think of another day that had so much quality news. I raise my coffee mug in celebration.

This film is set to shoot in 2009 and we will be sure to keep you up to speed of the updates

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