Chris Morgan Writing Wanted 2

Wanted-1The Wanted sequel will be written by the screenwirter Chris Morgan and not the authors of the origonal graphic novel. We get wind of this writing news thanks to our friends at MTV:

When “Wanted” screenwriter Chris Morgan first helped bring to life the ultra-violent story about a world where supervillains had kicked out the good guys, he had some pretty impressive source material in Mark Millar and J.G. Jones’ critically praised graphic novel. While there won’t be the same ready-made reference for “Wanted 2,” the writer told MTV that shouldn’t be cause for concern among fans. And he should know, since he’s the one writing it.

“Yes, I will be writing it,” confirmed Morgan. “I’m actually leaving this conversation with you to go to a meeting with the director, Timur [Bekmambetov], and we’re talking about the story.”

Wanted was well received around these parts, Campea loved it and the sentiment was shared by many on the boards.

I have yet to see the film, and/or read the graphic novel. I am curious to see what those of you who are fans of both the printed story and the fort film think about this news. Will Wanted 2 interest you if Mark Millar and J.G. Jones are not involved? Are you pissed that they are not involved, or did Morgan do a good enough job with the first Wanted that you trust his judgement?

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