Del Toro To Produce Pinocchio

Jim HensonWe have some cool news about a stop motion Pinocchio film today. It will be produced by commander Guillermo Del Toro in league with Jim Henson studios, We get the following scoop thanks to our friends at cinematical:

According to Variety, del Toro is currently working on the screenplay with Gris Grimly, whose strikingly illustrated children’s books I’ve only very recently been introduced to, and Grimly will then co-direct with Adam Parrish King, he of much sound editing background (which really ought to be just as convincing as the animation, no?). Tentatively speaking, del Toro’s Pinocchio will be out by 2011.

This film sounds like it has great promise. I enjoy stop-motion animation and think that it will be a great medium for all the players involved. I also think that the story of Pinocchio will lend itself well to this style of animation.

Del Toro is currently the busiest man in show business. I have no idea how the hell he’ll have the time to tackle this project with the Hobit on deck. I commend this man’s ability to multi task. If I had his work schedule I would have jumped off a building by now.

International friends – what do you think about a stop-motion Pinocchio film?

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