Joaquin Phoenix Wasn’t Fibbing – He’s Out

It looks like Joaquin Phoenix is done with film, for real. We get confirmation on his decision to bail from film thanks to the yodel caves of yahoo:

The words “Good Bye” were penned on the actor’s knuckles at a premiere Saturday night for his latest film, “Two Lovers,” and Phoenix confirmed a surprise announcement he made last week: He’s giving up movies.

“I think it’s just moving on. It’s rediscovering something else,” said Phoenix, 34, said in an interview with Associated Press Television News before Saturday’s American Film Institute festival, which also premiered “Che,” starring Benicio Del Toro. “Two Lovers” is his last film, he said. His publicist had disclosed Friday that the actor intended to focus on music.

Good for him. The man has made his mark and has enough to retire, so I can’t blame him for wanting to jam it up. Rock and Roll is a seductive mistress and some chase her down with no money in the bank. Joaquin has the cash to chase his newfound love down without worry so who can call foul on his decision.

Fans of Phoenix will no doubt be sad to see him go, but we do have quite a number of films to remember by. For those that are interested in following his career cross genre you will soon have a new way to enjoy the man; through the sounds of song.

We wish the Phoenix well in his journey of song.

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