Universal Soldier 5

UniversalToday is a day of glorious action news. We learn thanks to an interview with MTV than a third Universal Soldier film is in the works, and JCVD is on board. Peep the following chat –

After years of rumors and suspect IMDB updates, Jean-Claude Van Damme just told me he’s in for the third “Universal Soldier” movie.

“I don’t know if they want to make it a video release or theatrical,” he said. Actually there are a lot of question marks, like is he really starring in the film or is this a glorified cameo? “I’m just going to do 10 days.” Hmm, so what about Dolph Lundgren? He’s back, right?!? “I told them, guys bring in Dolph! They said there’s no more value [to cast him]. I said, ‘it will have value with me!’”

Stallone heads up a bitchin action film and now we get another Van Damme cyborg film! Today is good.

I have a strong desire to become a cyborg. If at the age of 95 I will willingly sign up for cybernetic experimentation and hope to be one of the proud cyborgs of earth. I would prefer a full conversion where no human body remains, only the necessary brain, spine and guts. I also would like to have tank treads, or a lower half like a spider. Bipeds are suckers.

I am glad too see JCVD back as a cyborg warrior, I am sad that Dolph will not be back but am glad we will see JCVD anew.

I could watch cyborg films all the live long day and am pumped that we will get another outing from this familiar franchise. While this is technically the fifth Universal Soldier Project, it is the third in which JCVD is involved. I’m not sure if they are forgetting about the made for TV 2 and 3, but news of this, soon we shall see.

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