One of the most anticipated Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game is Bioware’s The Old Republic MMO which will reunite the creators of the award winning Knights of the Old Republic with the Lucasfilm family once more. This was the worst kept secret as Sony’s exclusivity rights were expiring on a Star Wars MMO, and Bioware was fast at work on a secret MMO project.
Now they have a production blog and the first installment of the Video Doc is online! Click here to watch it
The Old Republic production blog:
BioWare® and LucasArts™ share the vision for Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ in our first video documentary, complete with new concepts, new screenshots, and real-time pre-production gameplay video.
The footage looks good, and it looks like they are taking a solid approach to the franchise. I like that they showed so much of the Jedi, but I hope that you have some alternatives to force using classes or at least have some variety in force using types.
It does look like you will have the chance to be a dark Jedi if you wish. It is kind of unique that everyone will start the same, and your faction is chosen by your actions.
I look forward to seeing more about this.