Iron Man: Armored Adventures Animated Series Coming

The X-Men are on their 3rd/4th? incarnation of an animated series, and I lost track of how many Spiderman cartoons there was, so why not let last year’s highest cashing film for Marvel have a whack at the animated tv series.

Iron Man will be coming to the small screen soon with Iron Man: Armoured Adventures and we get our first peek here.

Obviously not canon with the movies, but the whole point is to make a series that appeals to kids since they are your target merchandising market. So I can forgive the “way too young” looking Stark in the Iron Man digs, and the action does look pretty nifty. I also really dig the style. Very appropriate for such a tech-centric character.

What I am having a hard time with is the only real glimpse of dialogue we get is “I have rocket boots and you don’t” Groan.

Hopefully that will be the moment in the opening credits that changes with every episode with little Starkyboy offering up a different quip every episode.

The show will air on Nicktoons in the US starting in April 09.


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