Stars and Writers All Ready for a Streetfighter Sequel

Apparently the upcoming Streetfighter: Legend of Chun-li has an ending that is so blatantly obvious they are setting it up for a sequel.

MTVMovies Blog says:

Now, I’m not going to tell you who lives and who dies over the course of the movie. But suffice it to say, the sequel would revolve around an “Enter the Dragon”-like martial arts tournament that would bring all the “Street Fighter” characters together. And, well, let’s just say that some returns would be easier than others.

Now just because it is set up for a sequel with an obvious teaser ending, and the writers and actors are all willing to come back really doesn’t mean they WILL come back or that anything has been given the green light yet.

However, it sounds like the movie they are hoping to head into next is more what the fans might have wanted NOW. I applaud them on a bold move of focusing the storyline around one of the secondary players on the character selection screen, and I do think that Chun-Li had a lot more story to her than the main characters did. But with an “Enter the Dragon” style martial arts tournament follows closer to the concept of the game itself.

So I think that it would make sense that after they finish with Chun-li’s story, everyone would come back with grudges and rematches in mind in a bloodsport of martial arts tournament. Which of course would involve the core storyline of Ken and Ryu, the classic player one and two. Their entire purpose revolved around proving themselves to be the best fighters. Pretty simple, but with some movie to set them up into it that is all you need to make a movie about those two.

They had me on board from the get go. I was willing to give this a chance. Anything would be better than that VanDamme flick. But then they released a pile of scenes to tease you with some action and I was turned off completely. Like finding out your date used to be a man.

MTV does have another article about the lack of stunt doubles and how signature moves were incorporated into the movie to make sure everything fit in the Street Fighter world. Judging by the fight scenes in the bits they published last week not only do they need a sound editor, but they should have used stunt doubles for the fighting anytime they could.

Interestingly enough, the interviewer asks each star of the movie what THEY would do if they were a streetfighter and without exception – even Michael Duncan Clark – gave examples of how useless they would be in a fight. “I’d just hug it out,” grinned McDonough, the film’s villain. “I’m a lover; that’s what I do. I’m Bison the hugger.”

And these were good choices for action stars??

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